Giriş yapmadınız.


Wednesday, April 8th 2009, 6:08pm

yeah, it was great fight;p
Moje Słówka
Mój przekaz dla świata to przede wszystkim optymizm. Optymizm w trochę
spokojniejszej formie. Chodzi o pozytywne nastawianie do tego, co
przyniesie przyszłość. Tylko tyle... hołduję staroświeckiemu hasłu
„pokój i miłość”.


Wednesday, April 8th 2009, 6:15pm

thx :)
The end ;(


Thursday, April 9th 2009, 1:29am

Nice trio of fights ..... if we can all keep this sort of performance up, should make for an excellent server :)

Kavgalar güzel üçlü ..... Eğer hepimiz kadar, mükemmel bir sunucu için gereken performansı bu tür tutabilir :)


Thursday, April 9th 2009, 8:48am

bright :D

thx :P
The end ;(


Thursday, April 9th 2009, 10:41am

I think you will be a vampire attack that melee later ;)

Super strength ^^
I'm not English, so if you want me do the talking in french please, thank you

Yani, eğer bana lütfen Fransızca olarak konuşuyorum teşekkürler yapmak istiyorum Türkçe değilim


Thursday, April 9th 2009, 1:03pm

thx :)
The end ;(